After returning from Mount Tsukuba, I took some time to stroll around Tsukuba before getting back to Tokyo. The city is known for the so-called Tsukuba Science City and its large number of world-class research institutes, including the University of Tsukuba, the High-Energy Accelerator Lab (KEK), the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) and the Geographic Information Authority. It was also host to the Expo'85 World’s Fair and still retains some landmarks built for the occasion.
Above, Tsukuba Central Park.
Above, planetarium inside Tsukuba Expo Center.
Above, full-scale model of a H-Ⅱ type rocket that commemorates Expo'85.
Above, bus station in Tsukuba Center.
Above, Tsukuba Capio.
Above, inside the Convention Center.
Above, wood Totoro and Doraemon.
Above, Doho Park.
Above, red spider lily in Doho Park.
Above, JAXA building.
Above, an entrance to the Tsukuba Express line, which links Tsukuba with Akihabara in Tokyo in 45min.