Annecy Paysages art festival
Annecy Paysages is an open-air art festival taking place in the center of Annecy this summer, until the beginning of September. Here is a map of all the artworks. There are a few events outside the city as well.
Below, Le Rideau de la Méduse, inside Bonlieu.
Below, Bal-ysage.
Below, Breathing Lotus Flower.
Below, Question de sommets.
Below, Truthehole.
Below, Le soulèvement des graines.
Below, Implantations.
Below, Hortus Terra.
Below, Origamis.
Below, Le Mont des Possibles.
Below, Les Hôtes du logis.
Below, Laocoon.
Below, Échappée.
Below, Un potager dans la ville.
Below, Bateau.
Below, Ali.
Below, Les Surligneurs.
Below, Cygnus Diasporus.